

The Epidemiology Concentration prepares students for careers in epidemiologic practice across diverse public health settings. The concentration’s core competencies include: 

  1. To define basic epidemiologic concepts and terminology, including study designs, sources of bias, risk and preventive factors, and principles of causation; calculating basic epidemiologic measures.
  2. To describe leading causes of mortality and morbidity by population, place, and time.
  3. To understand how to analyze and make appropriate inferences from epidemiologic data.
  4. To explain and apply epidemiologic methods in public health research and practice settings.
  5. To recognize the importance of epidemiology for informing scientific, ethical, economic, and political discussions around population health.
  6. To understand how to examine and identify health disparities and their potential causes.

Concentration lead: Dr. Richard Garfein

Required Courses (16 units total):

  • FMPH 415 - Advanced Epidemiological Methods (4 units)
  • FMPH 419 - Biostatistics II (4 units)
Any two of the following courses:
  • FMPH 413 - Ethics in Public Health Research and Practice (4 units)
  • FMPH 417 - Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology (4 units)
  • FMPH 418 - Infectious Diseases: Epidemiologic Methods and Emerging Trends (4 units)
  • FMPH 425 - Epidemiology of Public Mental Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 491 - Infectious Disease Epidemic and Health Economic Modeling (4 units) 

Sample Course Plan


Health Behavior

The Health Behavior concentration will address the behavioral, social, and cultural factors related to individual and population health and health disparities. The concentration's core competencies include: 

  1. Identify and understand the multilevel behavioral determinants of health that are individual, environmental, and social and health disparities stemming from them. 
  2. Understand and apply theories and models from psychosocial, behavioral, and medical disciplines to health behavior changes and promotion.
  3. Apply evidence-based approaches in evaluating and designing interventions that improve individual and public health.
  4. Understand methodological considerations in interpretations and applications of biopsychosocial factors in health outcomes.
  5. Understand and apply ethical considerations in health behavior and intervention research and practice.
  6. Understand and demonstrate knowledge in promotion of health in the community in a culturally sensitive and equitable manner.

Concentration lead: Dr. Suzi Hong

Required Courses (16 units total):

  • FMPH 410 - Health Behavior Interventions (4 units)
  • FMPH 411 - Program Optimization and Evaluation (4 units)
  • FMPH 413 - Ethics in Public Health Research and Practice (4 units)

Any one of the following courses:

  • FMPH 412 - Health Promotion and Communication (4 units)
  • FMPH 419 - Biostatistics II (4 units)
  • FMPH 426 - Mental Health, Health Behavior, and Addiction (4 units)
  • FMPH 491 - Substance Use & Population Health (4 units) 

Sample Course Plan



Public Mental Health

The Public Mental Health concentration aims to train students to recognize and address mental health issues at a population level, and to understand the relationship between mental and physical health. The concentration's core competencies include: 

  1. Applying epidemiological methods to monitor trends and determine risks in current public mental health issues; 
  2. Designing, evaluating, and implementing effective mental health intervention and programs
  3. Assessing public health care systems in the context of specific mental illnesses to improve dissemination and implementation;
  4. Preparing public health leaders to promote mental health among specific vulnerable populations and in a culturally appropriate manner;
  5. Advocate for political, social, or economic policies and programs that will improve mental health in diverse populations

Concentration lead: Dr. Wael Al-Delaimy

Required Courses (16 units total):

  • FMPH 425 - Epidemiology of Public Mental Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 426 - Mental Health, Health Behavior, and Addiction (4 units)
  • FMPH 428 - Dissemination and Implementation, Policy, and Health Services in Mental Health (4 units)

Any one of the following courses:

  • FMPH 427 - Mental Health across the Lifecourse (4 units)
  • FMPH 491 - Substance Use & Population Health (4 units) 

Sample Course Plan


Technology & Precision Health

The Technology & Precision Health concentration offers in-depth educational training in an area of public health that is a pressing need: how to use cutting-edge technologies to address public health issues. The concentration's core competencies include: 

  1. Identify new and emerging “precision” technologies and understand how they might affect existing public health policy and practice.
  2. Understand what new and traditional technologies need to be integrated to advance population and public health.
  3. Prepare students to work and collaborate with stakeholders from a range of sectors and disciplines, consistent with the multi-disciplinary nature of technology and precision health.
  4. Recognize the risks and unintended consequences of emerging technologies and how these can be mitigated (e.g., through education or appropriate policy, risk management, systems design, research, or regulatory frameworks).
  5. Become future leaders of the emerging interdisciplinary field of precision health through identification of opportunities for emerging technologies, data, and methods to promote population and public health.

Concentration lead: Dr. Cinnamon Bloss

Required Courses (16 units total):

  • FMPH 430 - Technology and Precision Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 431 - Public Health Informatics (4 units)

Any one of the following courses:

  • FMPH 413 -  Ethics in Public Health Research and Practice (4 units)
  • FMPH 460 -  Design and Public Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 277 - Health Policy, Technology and Public Health (4 units)

Four units from the following courses:

  • FMPH 491 - Infectious Disease Epidemic and Health Economic Modeling (4 units)
  • FMPH 411 - Program Optimization and Evaluation (4 units)
  • FMPH 412 - Health Promotion and Communication (4 units)
  • FMPH 291 - Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology (4 units)
  • FMPH 491 - Race, Equity, Justice, and Technology in Public Health (4 units)

 Sample Course Plan


Health Policy

Health policy is a dynamic field comprised of three main academic disciplines: public policy/political science, economics, and organizational behavior. The concentration's core competencies include: 

  1. Identify policies, laws, and regulations impacting health systems, the delivery of healthcare services, and health outcomes.
  2. Recognize the impact of policies, laws, and regulations on individual behaviors, community development, and overall health equity.
  3. Explain why health outcomes are so strongly related to income and race/ethnicity, and the role of disparities in public health outcomes.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of health policies regulating the healthcare industry and impacting public health.
  5. Describe the long-run economic drivers of the healthcare system, the factors that influence consumer demand for health insurance and medical care, and to describe the factors that influence delivery of healthcare services.
  6. Summarize key health policies, laws, and regulations in at least one in-depth topic area through elective coursework.

Concentration lead: Dr. Sara McMenamin

Required to take:

  • FMPH 440 - Introduction to Health Economics (4 units)
  • FMPH 441 - The Organization and Financing of the US Healthcare System (4 units)
  • FMPH 277 - Public Health Policy, Equity, and Development (4 units)

Any one of the following:

  • FMPH 413 - Ethics in Public Health Research and Practice (4 units)
  • FMPH 428 - Dissemination & Implementation, Policy, & Health Services in Mental Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 491 - Qualitative Research Methods (4 units) 
  • GLBH 260 - Global Health policy ( 4 units)
  • GPPS 421 - The Politics of Economic Inequality (4 units)
  • GPPS 428 - The Politics of Energy and Environmental Regulation (4 units)
  • LHCO 209 - Outcomes and Quality Improvement (4 units)
  • SIOC 291S - Introduction to Climate Policy (4 units)
  • SPPS 207 - Introduction to Health Care Systems and Policy (4 units)

Sample Course Plan:


General Public Health

The General Public Health (GPH) concentration is designed for U.S. medical students, practicing physicians, and other healthcare professionals with a doctoral level degree who hope to utilize public health training within or in conjunction with the healthcare field. It can be completed in approximately one year. A student may qualify if they have already completed their medical degree at a U.S. institution, have a foreign medical degree but have license to practice in the U.S., or have completed at least two years of U.S. medical school. Eligibility is determined by program leadership.

Concentration leads: Dr. Michael Pratt and Dr. Deepa Sannidhi

Required Courses (12 units total):

Any three of the following courses from the program's other concentrations*:

  • FMPH 277 - Public Health Policy, Equity, and Development (4 units)
  • FMPH 410 - Health Behavior Interventions (4 units)
  • FMPH 411 - Program Optimization and Evaluation (4 units)
  • FMPH 412 - Health Promotion and Communication (4 units)
  • FMPH 413 - Ethics in Public Health Research and Practice (4 units)
  • FMPH 415 - Advanced Epidemiological Methods (4 units)
  • FMPH 417 - Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology (4 units)
  • FMPH 418 - Infectious Diseases: Epidemiologic Methods and Emerging Trends (4 units)
  • FMPH 419 - Biostatistics II (4 units)
  • FMPH 425 - Epidemiology of Public Mental Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 426 - Mental Health, Health Behavior, and Addiction (4 units)
  • FMPH 427 - Mental Health across the Lifecourse (4 units)
  • FMPH 428 - Dissemination and Implementation, Policy, and Health Services in Mental Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 430 - Technology and Precision Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 431 - Public Health Informatics (4 units)
  • FMPH 440 - Introduction to Health Economics (4 units)
  • FMPH 441 - The Organization and Financing of the US Healthcare System (4 units)
  • FMPH 460 - Human-Centered Design and Public Health (4 units)  
  • FMPH 491 - ID Epidemic & Cost-Effectiveness Modeling (4 units)
  • FMPH 491 - Qualitative Research Methods (4 units)
  • FMPH 491 - Substance Use & Population Health (4 units)
  • FMPH 491 - Race, Equity, Justice, and Technology in Public Health (4 units)
  • DSGN 201 - Human-Centered Design and Complex Sociotechnical Systems (4 units)

*Additional courses will be added to this list as the MPH Program grows.

Sample Course Plans

The course plans below assume waiving of 16 elective units. Students in this concentration who do not waive elective units will likely need 1-2 additional quarters to finish the program.

Completion in 3 quarters:


Completion in 4 quarters:
