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Public Health Education PH

Faculty Currently Accepting Applicants

Please note that several faculty are listed under multiple major areas of study. Not all faculty listed here will end up getting a student. So it is important to make sure that what you list as your research area in your written personal statement is very clear so that if there is another potential match for you, we can evaluate your application with that in mind. In addition to the written personal statement, you may choose up to three research areas of interest from the list of APHA categories. This question is part of the UC San Diego Grad Apply application.

This list is subject to change. Before submitting your application, please check back to make sure the faculty member you are interested in working with is still interested in taking a student.


The Epidemiology track uses a collaborative mentoring approach for new students. Students are assigned an advisory committee for the first two years of the program until they formalize their specialty area and choose their dissertation chair. The advisory committee works with each student to find funding during their time in the program.

Faculty Currently Accepting Applicants*

Global Health Health Behavior Epidemiology
Al-Delaimy, Wael Arredondo, Elva Bandoli, Gretchen
Arredondo, Elva Calzo, Jerel Corliss, Heather
Baker Shakya, Holly Corliss, Heather Goldenberg, Shira
Bloss, Cinnamon Crespo, Noe Kritz-Silverstein, Donna
Chowdhury, Zohir Goldenberg, Shira Marquez, Becky
Goldenberg, Shira Gombatto, Sara** Martin, Natasha
Hoh, Eunha Monroe, Katrina Oren, Eyal
Larsen, Britaa Martin, Natasha Parada, Humberto
Smiley, Sabrina Marquez, Becky Stockman, Jamila
Stockman, Jamila Rauh, Mitchell Storholm, Erik**
Suarez, Jose Schiaffino, Melody Suarez, Jose
Valafar, Faramarz Strong, David Valafar, Faramarz
Storholm, Erik** Wu, Tianying
Trinidad, Dennis
Zhu, Shu-Hong


*Other faculty may be available but should be contacted to confirm. Please reach out to the track directors or to for more information.

**Dr. Sara Gombatto (ENS faculty) has a paid Ph.D. Student Research Assistantship, click here for details.

**Dr. Erik Storholm has a paid Ph.D. Student Research Scholar Position in the Sexual Health Equity Lab (SHEL)