- egroessl@ucsd.edu
9500 Gilman
La Jolla , California 92093
Dr. Groessl is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, Division of Behavioral Medicine and is a Principal Investigator in the VA San Diego Health Services Research and Development unit. He received his Clinical Psychology PhD in 1999 from the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program with a specialization in behavioral medicine/ health psychology. Dr. Groessl has served as Center Director of the UCSD Health Services Research Center since 1999 and as Executive Director since 2014.
Tracks: Health Behavior
Dr. Groessl conducts research in the general areas of:
His current projects focus on Hepatitis C self-management, Integrated Care models for HCV care, and the benefits of yoga for older adults and for treating chronic low back pain in VA patients.
Currently, he is conducting a 4-year VA-funded randomized trial studying the benefits of yoga for veterans with chronic low back pain. He also has VA QUERI funding to adapt the HCV self-management program for Internet delivery, thereby increasing access to care. Along with Dr. Sam Ho, he is planning the implementation of the HCV Integrated Care model in the VA Healthcare System.