- mipratt@ucsd.edu
Rm 265C
Dr. Pratt is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, Division of Global Health with expertise in physical activity and public health. Before coming to UC San Diego, he was a Visiting Professor in the Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, at Emory University and a Medical Officer at the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at CDC, including serving as the Senior Advisor for Global Health and as the first Chief of the Physical Activity and Health Branch.
Dr. Pratt founded the CDC World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Physical Activity and Health and the International Physical Activity and Public Health Course. Dr. Pratt has also been an Adjunct Professor at the Schools of Medicine and Government at los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia and a Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas in Brazil. He completed a Masters Degree in exercise physiology and Medical Degree at the University of Washington in Seattle, medical residency training at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, earned a Masters Degree in Public Health at the University of Minnesota, and is a graduate of the EIS epidemiology fellowship and preventive medicine residency at CDC.
He is board certified in General Preventive Medicine and Public Health and is a Fellow in the American College of Preventive Medicine and the American College of Sports Medicine.
Tracks: Health Behavior, Global Health
Dr. Michael Pratt's research interests include increasing global research capacity for physical activity and chronic disease prevention, physical activity intervention strategies, and evidence-based public health.