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Public Health Education PH


Dissertation Committee Establishment Form – JDP Form 2

Please work with your advisor and track directors to devise a plan for your committee.  Once your committee is formed, and you have approval, you can send the composition request to the Graduate Coordinator.

Dissertation Committee Establishment Form

Advancement to Candidacy Form – JDP Form 3

The JDP Coordinator at SDSU (TBD) will assist you with routing this electronic form. In the interim, please contact Olivia Wurzbach to start this process.

Reconstitution of Dissertation Committee Form – JDP Form 4

Please contact Carrie Goldsmith if you wish to make a change to your dissertation committee.

Report of the Final Examinations – JDP Form 5

The JDP Coordinator at SDSU (TBD) will assist you with routing this electronic form. In the interim, please contact Olivia Wurzbach to start this process.

**Please note the UC San Diego Graduate Degree and Diploma Application (DDA Form) is no longer required documentation.