- Epidemiology
- Health Behavior
- Global Health
- JDP Handbook
Welcome to the Joint Doctoral Program (JDP) in Public Health, a collaborative effort of two academic institutions, San Diego State University (SDSU) and the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) that originated in 1990. While there are several joint doctoral programs in place between SDSU and UC San Diego, there are three with a Public Health focus: epidemiology, health behavior and global health. The purpose of this handbook is to guide you through the next few years and supplement the information contained in the SDSU Graduate Bulletin under General Requirements for Doctoral Degrees.
The JDP is jointly administered by the School of Public Health (SPH) at SDSU and the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health (FMPH) in the School of Medicine, via Graduate Division at UC San Diego. As a student in this program, you will complete course work and conduct research at both institutions. Faculty from each campus will serve on your advisory and dissertation committees, providing you with extensive exposure to experts with varied interests and proficiencies. The program is co-directed by faculty and staff from both institutions (See Appendix B for list of JDP faculty). The JDP program directors and coordinators are as follows.
Faculty and Staff | Contact Information | |
Program Director SDSU |
Heather Corliss, PhD | |
Program Director UC San Diego |
David Strong, PhD |
Graduate |
Shan Ming Gao | |
Graduate |
Eric Peng UC San Diego Pepper Canyon Hall | |
Graduate |
Brenda Fass-Holmes SDSU Hepner Hall 129 | (619) 594-4492 |
While in this program you should document your affiliation on all professional citations including memberships, presentations, publications and other professional affiliations as follows:
San Diego State University/University of California, San Diego | Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health
Currently, all students are required to be registered at San Diego State University (SDSU) throughout the program. Formal coursework is two years. In the first year, students will enroll in full-time coursework at SDSU for a total of 24 semester units during the academic year. During the second year in the program, students will enroll in full-time coursework at UC San Diego for a total of 36 quarter units during the academic year. There may be certain financial situations in which students will register at UC San Diego but not enroll in coursework. Please refer to the Policy on Placeholder Unit Enrollment at UC San Diego for more information. The UC San Diego Graduate Coordinator will contact students regarding this.
The start and end dates for each quarter/semester will vary. To check the academic calendars for each institution, use the links below.
When admitted to SDSU, all students will receive an e-mail with their SDSU ID, which is their official SDSU email address. This SDSU ID is the account username to access my.SDSU. Students will also receive a numerical EMPL ID. The student portal account can be created and activated at: my.SDSU. Registration and enrollment information can be found on the my.SDSU site above.
The Office of the Registrar will assign a personal identification number (PID) for registration purposes. Enrollment information can be found online at and is accessed using your assigned PID and password. Orientation is required and will be held at the beginning of the fall semester. The date and times will be emailed from the coordinator.
All students are required to be registered at San Diego State University (SDSU) throughout the program. In year one, students will be enrolled full-time (at least 12 units per semester) at SDSU. After completing SDSU coursework in year one, students will register at SDSU for typically 6 units each semester for the duration of the program, including year two when enrolled at UC San Diego. Students are able to take a combination of additional elective coursework, Research (PH-897), and Special Study (PH-898). When the student plans to defend their dissertation, they will then register for 6 units of Dissertation (PH-899) for that semester only. The College of Graduate Studies covers 6 units of tuition after year one. If students enroll in more than 6 units, they are responsible for paying the additional tuition. Payment of mandatory campus fees will take place at SDSU each semester. Students will receive instructions via email each semester with guidance on enrolling.
Students only enroll in placeholder units at UC San Diego if they meet one of the following criteria:
If students have answered YES to any of the above, they will need to enroll into a 12-unit placeholder course at UC San Diego, even during their first year. This will then allow funds to be released. If students are not registered, it will hold up payments from these UC San Diego sources. The UC San Diego Graduate Coordinator, Carrie Goldsmith, will provide students with the placeholder course to enroll into each quarter via email.
Students who wish to complete an independent study should first form a plan with the faculty who will serve as instructor of record. Students typically enroll in 2 units for this course. Approvals from the Track Director and instructor of record are required. To request enrollment, students should complete the UC San Diego ISP Form.
**Note: UC San Diego Registration Deadline
**Note that this placeholder unit does not count toward UC San Diego residency requirement. Please contact Carrie Goldsmith, UC San Diego Graduate Coordinator with any questions about the above criteria or registering for the placeholder.
Keep in mind that UC San Diego is on the quarter system and SDSU is on the semester system, so the starting and ending dates of each quarter/semester are different. Check the academic calendars for each institution at:
At SDSU, an orientation and welcome event will be held for first year students typically the week prior to the first week of classes (mid/late August). The date and times will be emailed to incoming students by the coordinator. At UC San Diego, an orientation will be held at the beginning of the second year, during the Week of Welcome.
Helpful information on starting your studies at SDSU can also be found at the College of Graduate Studies website. Although geared to master’s students, this site includes information about your my.SDSU, EMPL ID, registration, fees, financial aid, and some fellowship opportunities at SDSU. UC San Diego also holds a new grad student orientation each year which will be helpful to attend even while starting at SDSU. Please see the UC San Diego New Student Orientation website to register. In addition, please refer to UC San Diego GradLife website for more information about UC San Diego.
The purpose of this handbook is to guide students through their doctoral program and to supplement the information contained on the College of Graduate Studies website and on the UC San Diego Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs website.
Domestic out-of-state students are required by the College of Graduate Studies to apply for California residency after 366 days living in California. Instructions for applying for California residency can be found here and a helpful overview of residency reclassification can be found here. The residence determination dates are September 20 for Fall and January 25 for Spring. Students are encouraged to apply during the summer after their first year.
Apply by August 1, 2024 to meet the deadline for the summer application period.
Students seeking classification as a resident for tuition purposes must have established residence in California for more than one year immediately preceding the residence determination date for the term during which s/he proposes to attend the University. The student must have relinquished any previous residence. The residency deputy is the only person authorized to advise on residency matters. Additional information is available. Inquiries should be directed to the Residence Deputy at the Office of the Registrar, (858) 534-4586. For additional information refer the Graduate Division website regarding incoming graduate students.
ID cards should not have an expiration date and should indicate doctoral student status. The cost for an ID card is $25.00 and can be paid during registration. For more information and to get an SDSU card click here.
The Campus ID Card office is located in the new Student Services Center, 402 University Center (Building #931 on campus maps), east of the Administration Complex and southeast of the Price Center. Student Business Services, including the Bursar’s office, occupy the third floor, south wing of the building. The initial ID card is free, but replacement cards cost $15. Students must present a picture ID to have the ID picture taken.
JDP students have privileges at all of the UC San Diego libraries on campus, using their ID. A list of current graduate students is provided to the library each academic year to enable library privileges.
SDSU has agreed with UC San Diego for reciprocity of the Joint Doctoral Programs that require studies/research/activity at both UCSD and SDSU campuses.For those with UC San Diego permits: Send a UC San Diego parking permit receipt with valid dates and official correspondence that shows participation/acceptance in the JDP to at least 3 business days before the permit is needed. The reciprocal permit will only be valid for the duration of the UC San Diego permit.For those with SDSU permits: Send an SDSU parking permit receipt to to receive a 10-day B permit. Students are able to get a new pass after the 10-day B permit has been used up.
Lounge: All doctoral students are eligible for a key to the doctoral lounge in PSFA 185. The doctoral lounge has a computer with Internet access and a printer for students to use. To obtain a key, please contact the SDSU coordinator or HT-119 staff from the School of Public Health (SPH) office with your key request(s). Once your key is ready for pick-up, you will receive notification via AdobeSign from Access Control/Key Office. Please bring your SDSUcard (ID) to pick up the key from the Key Office. Do not sign the AdobeSign form until you are present at the Key Office with your SDSU ID card.
Dining: The SDSU Faculty-Staff Club (FSC) offers a comfortable environment to enjoy a leisurely lunch or just to meet a colleague or friend. The Club is perhaps best known as a place to have lunch. All campus faculty and staff are invited to eat at the facility. However, members receive a discount on their meals. View club facts including cost. The Club is located in the heart of the campus across from the library. View other SDSU dining options.
Lounge: The HWSPH Graduate Student Lounge is located in the Student Affairs suite in Pepper Canyon Hall. This room is open for use Monday-Thursday 8am-3 p.m.. Please email for access outside of these hours.
Lounge: The Biomedical Library Graduate Student Lounge provides a location for current UC San Diego graduate and professional students to study undisturbed 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, excluding campus closures. Please follow the link above for detail and information on using the study room.
Dining: The UC San Diego Faculty Club is available to graduate students. There is an initiation fee plus monthly dues. All-you-can eat lunches are approximately $13.00. The Club is located west of Geisel Library and provides a nice indoor-outdoor dining experience. For more information online:
The goal of this program is to prepare graduates for careers in public health research, practice and teaching. Upon graduation, students with a Ph.D. in Public Health will be able to:
In support of the mission of San Diego State University, the Center for Student Rights & Responsibilities educates campus community members about the Student Code of Coduct and assists in the development of students as good citizens. Here is more information of the Cheating and Plagiarism Policies.
UC San Diego
The Academic Integrity (AI) Office promotes and supports a culture of academic intergrity in order to reinforce quality teaching and learning at UC San Diego. The UC San Diego Academic Integrity Policy applies to any cases originating on or after September 25, 2023. The University expects both faculty and students to honor the policy. For students, this means that all academic work will be done by the individual to whom it's assigned, without unauthorized aid of any kind. If violations of academic integrity occur, the same Sanctioning Guidelines apply regardless of which policy was effective for that case.
Mentorship in the Public Health JDP takes many different forms. Junior students receive guidance from students who are further along in the program; students collaborate and learn from instructors. For the purpose of this handbook, the Mentor/Student relationship is a key relationship in a student’s program; and we would like to offer guidance to enhance this experience.
The NIH offers guidelines for students and trainees to build a strong working relationship with your committee chair and/or your direct faculty supervisor for research activities. There are four key components for students: understand and establish expectations, integrate into your research group, develop a network of mentors, and know where to turn when issues arise.
The default method for the doctoral and master’s committee to conduct graduate examinations (doctoral qualifying examination and final dissertation defense) is when the student and all members of the committee are physically present in the same room. The formal rules for conducting the doctoral examination can be found here.
The Graduate Council recognizes, however, that practical exigencies do not always make this possible. Therefore, the Graduate Council will defer to the graduate programs (Department Chair or Program Director) to review requests for exceptions and to make decisions to allow remote participation. The graduate program must ensure that when an exam is approved to be held entirely remote or in a hybrid format (i.e., some members are physically present and some are remote) that the student has agreed to this format.
It is expected that there will be synchronous participation by all committee members in the scheduled exam. If an unavoidable situation arises that affects a committee member’s ability to participate synchronously, the committee chair (or co-chairs) may decide how to proceed. There must be sufficient expertise among present members to examine the student. If a committee member must be absent for the scheduled exam, it is permissible for one absent committee member to examine the candidate on a separate date. The committee chair, or one co-chair, must participate synchronously in the scheduled exam.
This written qualifying exam is a comprehensive assessment of program and track-specific competencies and the ability to apply such knowledge. It is in the format of an R01 or R21 grant proposal on a question that the dissertation committee will set. Students will be given two weeks to complete the initial written proposal. After the proposal is returned to the committee, it will be graded by all committee members within one month and feedback will be sent to the student. If necessary, the student will have one month to revise their proposal. In the case of a failed revision, students will have one additional attempt to pass this exam.
The written proposal must be the original work of the student. The work may be done to help support future research but should not represent previous proposals by the student, or previous work that the student was a part of. If there are questions about this requirement, the student should discuss it with the committee chair prior to starting the proposal. The proposal should be distinctly different from the planned dissertation project.
General content guidelines for written qualifying exam/grant proposal:
Guidelines for Dissertation Committee:
Sections of the Written Proposal:
Students will identify a Chair and a dissertation topic. The Chair must be a JDP faculty member approved to Chair dissertation committees within the track. Click here to view a list of JDP faculty and their status to chair or serve on the committee. If a student is interested in working with a faculty member who is not currently listed, they should reach out to JDP Program Directors Dr. Strong (UC San Diego) or Dr. Corliss (SDSU). The usual process is to prepare a brief one page description of the proposed dissertation project and consult with JDP faculty to refine ideas.
In consultation with the Dissertation Chair and the Advisory Committee, the student will then select a minimum of four other faculty members to make up the entire Dissertation Committee. Of the five members two members must be from SDSU, two must be from UC San Diego, and one member must be from outside the student’s major department at either SDSU or UC San Diego. For more information on UC San Diego guidelines for forming a dissertation committee, see the Joint Doctoral Committee Membership Table.
After the Dissertation Committee has been nominated and approved by both Universities, the student will meet with all committee members to discuss their dissertation topic. When the committee members agree to the topic and general plan, the student will write and defend their dissertation proposal.
Please Note: Students must submit their committee composition information as well as the approval from both track directors to the UC San Diego Graduate Coordinator before proceeding with their dissertation proposal. Candidates must complete required didactic coursework and qualifying exams prior to the proposal defense and advancing to candidacy. The dissertation committee must be approved before formal work can begin on the dissertation. Allow 4 – 6 weeks for the formal Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs approval process once the approved committee has been submitted to the Graduate Coordinator. If it becomes necessary to make changes to the dissertation committee as nominated, the student must request to reconstitute by following the same instructions as the initial approval process.
The dissertation proposal is a detailed description of the proposed research project. At the discretion of the Dissertation Committee, students have the option of submitting a traditional dissertation or a dissertation consisting of three manuscripts. Students should present this choice as part of the oral qualifying exam. If a student chooses the three manuscript format, each of the proposed manuscripts should be presented as part of the oral exam. The entire committee must approve any subsequent changes in method or manuscript topics. The proposal is a contract between the student and their committee describing the work to be completed. Any changes that occur during the course of the research project must be discussed with, and approved by, the entire Dissertation Committee. The proposal typically includes an abstract, a literature review, a rationale for the proposed study, a detailed methodology section (including study design, data collection procedures, power and sample size calculation, and proposed data analysis plans for the whole project or for each of the manuscripts), and a detailed discussion of the potential strengths and limitations of the research project. Proposals are usually 20 pages in length and may include pilot data (per discretion of the Chair). For an example, please contact the Track Directors.
Once students have completed the proposal, they can schedule an oral defense of the proposed research. This is the oral qualifying examination. After selecting a date when all of your committee members can be present, students will need to circulate their proposal at least 10 days prior to the oral exam date. At the oral defense, students will present their dissertation proposal and answer questions from committee members. Typically, students will prepare a PowerPoint presentation to highlight key elements of their proposed research. The presentation should not last longer than 30-45 minutes to allow sufficient time for questions. Successful completion of the oral proposal defense will allow students to Advance to Candidacy. If the committee feels that a student is not adequately prepared to conduct the proposed project, they will be advised of committee concerns and may be asked to re-defend the proposal at a later time.
Prior to the defense, students should submit the JDP-3 (Report of the Qualifying Exam and Advancement to Candidacy) pre-form. Once the student has successfully passed their defense, the Chair should email the SDSU graduate coordinator to initiate the JDP-3 form via Adobe Sign. All committee members will sign this form indicating that a student has passed this milestone. Once this form has been completely processed, the student will be officially Advanced to Candidacy.
Students will be assessed a $50 advancement fee at UC San Diego in their TritonLink account.
When working on any research project while in the JDP, all students must ensure human and/or animal subject concerns have been addressed by having the project approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and following SDSU and UC San Diego policies on the protection of research subjects. All research projects are subject to IRB approval, even secondary analysis of data that have already been collected in some cases. Research projects that involve primary data collection must have IRB approval prior to any data collection.
IRB forms and instructions are available online from each university. IRB approval from one institution will usually allow for the other institution to accept research subjects’ clearance. However, research that is deemed greater than minimal risk of harm is not covered by this agreement and should be submitted to both IRBs.
For additional information, location and maps to the offices, or to obtain online forms:
The Ph.D. dissertation should consist of original research that adds significantly to the existing state of knowledge in the field. The student is ultimately responsible for the conduct of their research project and should consult with committee members as needed. If the project deviates from the written proposal, it is their responsibility to get approval from committee members; substantive changes from the research proposal require committee discussion and approval prior to undertaking the work. Details of all substantive changes, the rationale for each, and a clear description of how these changes sustain the methodological rigor of the study must be provided to the Dissertation Committee.The committee may require an oral defense of these changes and/or additional modifications in procedures.
During the time that the student is conducting research, they must update the entire committee on dissertation progress at a minimum of every three months until the dissertation defense. This update may be as short as one paragraph and may be general in nature. In addition, the student will meet at least annually with the Chair and a minimum of one other committee member to review progress to date and plans for the upcoming period. The committee will also complete the formal progress review form.
The student is responsible for circulating dissertation drafts to committee members. How drafts are circulated will often vary by committee but the committee should agree on this process before writing begins. Students may choose to work closely with one or two committee members and then circulate later drafts to the entire committee or circulate all drafts to each committee member. Students should recognize that the writing process takes time and should expect that numerous drafts will be circulated prior to defense. When the Chair of the Dissertation Committee feels the student is ready to defend, the student will be notified that they can proceed with setting a defense date.
The project may include original data collection. Students who do not have experience with significant data collection are encouraged to include original data collection in their proposal.
At the discretion of the dissertation committee, students have the option of submitting a traditional dissertation or a dissertation consisting of three manuscripts. The student should present their choice of method as part of the oral qualifying exam. If the student chooses the alternative method, they must also present a discussion of each of the proposed manuscripts as part of the oral exam. Any subsequent changes in method or manuscript topics must be approved by the entire committee.
For both options, the student must conduct a formal defense of the completed dissertation.
Option 1: The traditional dissertation typically includes the following sections or chapters: introduction, literature review, methods, results, and discussion. Appropriate appendices, i.e. data collection instruments and informed consent forms, should be included.
Option 2: The alternative dissertation includes: an introduction, three published or submitted manuscripts, and a discussion. All manuscripts should relate to the central theme of the dissertation. Manuscripts must receive approval of the entire committee prior to submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Manuscripts published without the review and approval of the entire dissertation committee cannot be included in the dissertation. Student must be first author on the manuscripts. Published manuscripts can be submitted as reprints with co-author permission. A separate literature review is optional. Appropriate appendices, i.e. data collection instruments and informed consent forms, should be included.
After advancing to candidacy, students need to accrue at least 3 (UC San Diego) quarters of academic residency before they can defend their dissertation. The quarter of advancement to candidacy counts as one of the three quarters, and the quarter of the dissertation defense counts as one of the three. The summer quarters do NOT count. For example, if a student defends in Winter quarter, the earliest they can defend is Fall quarter.
Formal Defense
A formal defense must be conducted prior to filing the dissertation. Students must coordinate a date for the defense with all committee members. A complete draft of the dissertation must be delivered to each committee member no less than 30 days before the defense date. Information for the defense announcement including date/time, location and/or Zoom link, dissertation title, and abstract must be submitted to the UC San Diego Graduate Coordinator no less than 30 days prior to the defense date.
Prior to the defense, students need to submit the JDP-5 Google form. This allows the SDSU JDP Coordinator to initiate the JDP-5 “Report of the Final Examination and Filing of the Dissertation” form after successful defense. Students also need to route the co-author permission form and dissertation signature page. After the Chair confirms successful defense, the SDSU JDP Coordinator will initiate the JDP-5 via AdobeSign. All members of the committee and the JDP Program Directors need to sign the JDP-5 and the signature page via DocuSign. See "Permission Letter & Signature Page" section below.
Upon successful completion of the dissertation defense, the dissertation document must be formatted according to the filing rules of the Graduate Division at UC San Diego.
When the dissertation is at least 90% complete, students need to make an appointment with UC San Diego Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA), who will check their dissertation to make sure it meets the format specifications as described in the dissertation booklet. GEPA will instruct the student to email a copy of their dissertation to the Graduate Academic Affairs Advisor. It is probable that this preliminary check of the dissertation will reveal a few minor formatting problems that will need to be corrected.
When the formatting is completed, an electronic copy will be turned into GEPA. They will advise the student of any additional steps they may need to complete. Additional electronic copies will be sent to SDSU College of Graduate Studies. Since the student will have already had their dissertation accepted by UC San Diego, SDSU will not need to check it over, but will simply verify that it was accepted by GEPA.
UC San Diego:
In terms of the graduation ceremony, students are encouraged to work with their chair to select in which ceremony they prefer to participate; the SDSU ceremony occurs in May and the UC San Diego ceremony is held in June. Students are welcome at both ceremonies!
Permission Letter & Signature Page
Students must obtain permission letters from all co-authors, including committee members and UC San Diego faculty. Students submit the co-author letters to GEPA electronically via the Kuali permission letter submission form for any chapter or portion of a chapter in the dissertation or thesis to which one or more of the following applies:
Click here for a sample/template of the cover letter from the committee chair and the permission letter(s) from co-author(s).
Click here for step by step instructions and an overview of the Kuali form.
Faculty signatures are no longer collected on the dissertation/thesis approval page. Faculty committee member approval of the dissertation/thesis is captured on the revised combined Final Report Form (this form is initiated and managed by the graduate coordinator). Students should check with the graduate coordinator to verify that the combined form is being used. The formatted page iii must still be included in the dissertation/thesis and must follow the format described above and as shown on the sample page.
Please note: If the combined Final Report Form is not used, faculty signatures must be collected on the Dissertation Signature Page through DocuSign. Please let GEPA know if the combined form is not used. Students must always follow the DocuSign process described below:
The completed/signed dissertation/thesis approval page must be received by GEPA on or before the student’s final document review with GEPA.
The goal of this policy is to encourage students to complete their Ph.D. in a timely manner. The following time limits have been set for this program:
Up to two semesters (SDSU) and three quarters (UC San Diego) of time spent on leave from the program will not count towards the time limits. Additionally, any unexpired time limits will get moved forward equivalent to the number of semester(s)/quarters(s) taken off. Time spent on an approved leave of absence (LOA) in excess of two semesters (SDSU) and three quarters (UC San Diego) will count toward time limits.
Students must request a leave of absence for each semester they wish to be absent. First, an informal meeting of the Chair of the Advisory/Dissertation Committee should take place to discuss options available. To request an LOA, students should get written approval from both JDP track directors (E-mail is preferred) and copy the SDSU JDP Coordinator. Once approved, the student needs to submit the Leave of Absence Request form. An LOA cannot be granted if the student has a registration hold or is still enrolled in classes. If the student is requesting an LOA in the middle of the semester, the student will need to withdraw from the classes prior to going on an LOA.
More information about SDSU LOAs can be found here.
If a student wants to withdraw from the program, they need to submit a schedule adjustment form. If it is prior to the schedule adjustment deadline, students should submit a Schedule Adjustment form. If it is after the schedule adjustment deadline, students should submit a Late Schedule Adjustment form.
More information about withdrawing from SDSU can be found here.
To request a leave of absence from UC San Diego, please contact the UC San Diego Graduate Coordinator, who will provide and process the form. At the time of the request, students will need to indicate if they are registered or not registered for classes. When the form is processed and approved by GEPA and the Registrars Office, they will remove the student from classes if needed. Students should not remove themself from classes. This process is different from what is required by SDSU, please make sure to read the above instructions carefully.
The LOA form must be filed no later than the end of the second week of instruction of the quarter in which the leave is to begin.
Students are not permitted to continue in doctoral status if they have not advanced to candidacy before the expiration of the pre-candidacy time limit (four years), or if they have not completed the program before the expiration of the total time limit (seven years). Students will not be permitted to receive SDSU- or UC San Diego-administered financial support after the expiration of the support limits (6 years).
If a student withdraws and subsequently returns with a completed dissertation, the student may petition the department for readmission. To be eligible for readmission, the student must have been in good academic standing at the time they left the program and must satisfy departmental requirements for readmission. Upon leaving the program, the department may provide a letter specifying the conditions under which the student can be readmitted.
Ph.D. candidacy lapses when a student withdraws from the Ph.D. program. If a previously-advanced student withdraws and is later readmitted, the doctoral committee members are asked if they will continue serving on the doctoral committee; if they will not, the doctoral committee must be reconstituted. Students will be re-advanced to candidacy upon the recommendation of the doctoral committee (who may require the student to retake the oral qualifying examination) and upon payment of the candidacy fee, after which the student can defend their dissertation.
Further Details from GEPA on Leave of Absence and Withdrawals
To extend an approved leave of absence, a student must notify the UC San Diego Graduate Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the end of the quarter in which the leave terminates. An extension requires approval of the department. The International Center must approve a Leave of Absence for all international students.
When planning on returning from a Leave of Absence, a student must notify the graduate coordinator of the quarter in which they intend to register. The coordinator notifies GEPA who then reinstates the student. The student cannot register until this is done. Notification of return from a leave can only be given to GEPA by the department.
The doctoral candidate is a full time student prior to the successful defense of their dissertation. Normally, employment up to 50% time is permitted for graduate students. It is expected that the remainder of their time is devoted to their studies or research. Therefore, the student should not secure full-time employment until their dissertation is successfully defended. The doctoral candidate should consult their Dissertation Chair to determine the optimal time to start applying to jobs and postdoctoral opportunities.
There are three deadlines to take into consideration when preparing for graduation.
Please Note: Students should choose the earlier of the two deadlines in every case to qualify on both campuses.