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Master of Science in Biostatistics

The Master of Science (MS) in Biostatistics involves training in biostatistics methods and data analysis, and includes theoretical and applied classroom work in the core biostatistics courses, with additional electives in life sciences. The core courses incorporate classroom projects in data analysis pertinent to biomedical data, and introduce literate programming and reproducible research practices. A practicum in biostatistics course will train students in preparing and presenting statistical analyses, using data drawn from collaborative projects in biomedical or public health sciences, with required oral presentations and an analysis report.

This program requires the completion of at least 56 units of coursework. The expected time for completion is two years (six quarters).

Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics

The mathematically rigorous Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics involves training in statistical methods and data analysis, including theoretical and applied classroom work in the core mathematical statistics and biostatistics courses, with additional electives in life sciences. This program incorporates core UC San Diego faculty from Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health, the statistics group within the Department of Mathematics in the School of Physical Sciences, and faculty from computer sciences within the Jacobs School of Engineering. A terminal en route master’s degree will be offered to qualifying students who fail to complete the doctorate in Biostatistics.

The PhD program requires the completion of at least 64 units of coursework. The expected time for completion is four to five years.

UC San Diego Biostatistics

Presentation by Professor Karen Messer, PhD.

The Fall 2024 Graduate Program Application will OPEN

Admission applications to the PhD program for Fall 2024 will be accepted from September 20, 2023 to January 3, 2024. 

Admission applications to the MS program for Fall 2024 will be accepted from September 20, 2023 to January 17, 2024.  

Consult our prospective students page for more information. 

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