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Public Health Education PH

Public Health Undergraduate Organization

Public Health Club

The Public Health Undergraduate Organization is sponsored by the HWPSH. The overarching goal of the Public Health Undergraduate Organization is to bring students, staff and faculty with an interest in public health, healthy lifestyles, or community health together. The Public Health Undergraduate Organization helps members by providing information and opportunities for volunteerism, internships, and mentorship.


CCR Approval Pending for the updated Public Health Undergraduate Organization


The UC San Diego CCR highlights student involvement and achievements in opportunities beyond the classroom including the skills and competencies developed. Your official validated CCR is printed with your transcript and has the UC San Diego seal. You can use your record to help demonstrate to employers, graduate/professional programs, and for awards the competencies and skills you gained through your experience. You can either attach your official CCR to applications, or use your unofficial CCR as a tool to help you reflect on and articulate your experiences on your cover letter, resume, applications and in your interviews.